Saturday, December 8, 2012

Middle Earth... confidence to go into the unknown.

 I'm watching the Christmas decorations go up on the town hall. This is the fabulous view from my studio windows.

Below is a painting I'm in the middle of. It was just a bunch of textured swirls as I experimented with shell grit and broken up eggshells for some coarse texture. It seems to be transforming into mother and child (Madonna). It is still in the rainbow colors but I changed the photo to black and white and rotated her. I like the way she looks like she is in a cave. Other than that I'm not at all sure how it will end up. I'm in what I call 'middle earth'. Time will tell as I resolve this one!


  1. I am so proud of your efforts Jan . . .where do you get it from ? I would like to say me but that would be just a wee bit presumptuous.
    Hang on though, as a blacksmith I had to be a bit of an artist with all that scroll work and the shaping of white hot metal.
    Do you remember the steel tree and park bench I created and I called it 'midwinter' because leaves for the tree would have been to hard to make. I entered it into the art competition for the whole of the Royal Air Force in the UK and it came second. It went from being a bit of rubbish to being my pride and joy . . unfortunately a sea going packing box of mine was pilfered and it got stolen!!
    Someone else must have thought it was good also eh?
    Anyway beautiful Daughter . . . keep at it because I think that you have a real talent.
    Best wishes Dad x

    1. ...and you are a brother of our Auntie Joan and she too is a wonderful artist! so it is in the family. You will be pleased to know I am going well with the whole Ukelele thing. Once you had gold by enya and I'm learning silent night in G. I do love it when I get the chance. I tried leaving it in the loo so that every time I sat down in there I could practice but it wasn't a very good idea! Have you learned a few Christmas songs for your oldies in aged care?

      PS You will have another trip to Perth, even if your in a wheelchair. I'm happy to push you around, you'll just have to adapt to being in over 80 I guess;)

    2. Thank you for the encouragement and making me laugh with your latest blog about writing notes to oneself . . .tell me about it! ha ha then I lose the notes. Yes, I learned more Carols for the wrinklies and they sang along heartily . . .Love you, byee till next time. Dad.

  2. Can I comment ???? I wrote it! Ha ha but I forgot to say Jan that I remember looking out of your studio window and seeing that town hall where they are decorating . . . brought back memories of my last trip to you . . .I hope its not my last trip . .
