Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Family and Friends

Adelaide was interesting. It is always strange going back to a town you once lived in for many years, a bit like stepping back in time. I love catching up with all our family members and all my old friends, but it can be exhausting, especially if you have not stayed in touch on a regular basis, which I have to confess is one of my specialities.

I can feel some poetry I will let it flow...I've never done poetry but often when I am trying to describe some of the deeper things in life I notice my writing slips into a different rhythm as follows...

...Some friends and family you just pick up where you left off
no matter how many years have gone by.

I love it when that happens.
You cant make it happen.
It is like your souls meet on another level,
in another place.
An eternal place, an eternal connection
that will never die
and all the pain in life doesn't exist for a while.

You don't have to do anything,
 just be together
and engage like innocent children
without pretence.

Love flowing back and forth,
and holding back nothing back.

Anyway, you know what I mean. I had a great time catching up with family and grandchildren and having a few birthday celebrations for the 22nd April. While Greg was busy with all the Synod meetings I took myself off to Jurlique for some pampering and bought some of there luxurious natural products. Mmmm!

So now I am back in Perth, back in the Art studio now that the grand exhibition at Haughton Winery is finished, back to teaching, back to my fitness training and whatever else I seem to be filling my days with!

Thanks for taking the time to read and please click on 'InterPlay' or 'Janet's Art' at the top of the page for more news on those subjects. I am about to get a blog or Facebook up and running with only artwork for sale so stay tuned!

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