Friday, April 5, 2013

What a Crazy Few Weeks!

Oh my Goodness, what a busy time it has been!

What with all the pressure and preparations leading up to the opening of the art exhibition at Haughton Winery Gallery, I have also been applying to find recipients to run an InterPlay project here in WA that will be funded by InterPlay Australia, and alongside all that, Greg was involved in 7 services over Easter!

I went to the Easter Dawn service and it was very moving and beautiful. I have not attended church for a while because I wanted to step outside and step back so that I could see more clearly what it is that I value and hold true in my own church tradition. I experienced a deep calling back to the life and work of Christ and the awesome gathering of Christian believers all over the world at this Easter time.

Leading up to Easter I had been creating a resurrection artwork to go behind our church alter and I wrestled with it till the very end. It was quite a struggle because my back had ceased up from the constant leaning over my studio desk while I fitted frames and finished off canvases for the Winery exhibition. I could hardly walk but I dragged myself off to the beautiful service dosed up on Panadol and Nuerofen pain killers. Straight after the service I had to drive out to my studio and load up my car with all my other 20 completed artworks and get them to the gallery and then hang them all! I was absolutely exhausted, but it is all finished now and is looking amazing! I only hope to sell a few before the month is up. We have our official opening this Sunday afternoon with 100 people attending so that will be fun.

Well there is a little bit of a breather before we head over to Adelaide for the General  Convention of the Lutheran Church of Australia . I hope to catch up with friends, relatives, family and chill out with my grandchildren who I haven't seen for six months!

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