Friday, June 8, 2012

A New Journey Begins
I met an amazing person today. I'd call her a 'warrior' woman. I name her that because she had recently lost her partner of 25 years to cancer, and then found out that she too has cancer with only a short time left to live. She moved to Australia 3 years ago from the Uk for specialist treatment at St John of God hospital. The cancer has shrunk from a tennis ball to the size of her little finger. She lives in the South West in Balingup and is deeply involved with community work in the area. She had heard about the InterPlay workshop coming to Perth and asked if I would be interested in running a workshop at an amazing retreat place called 'The Origins Centre'

We met here in my Midland studio and while we were chatting about our life and work, she fell in love with one of my paintings named 'The priesthood of all believers' 
She wanted a gift for the Director or someone quite high up in the St John of God hospital, to thank them for all their support. I told her I loved all the amazing artworks in that hospital and she said thats what this picture reminded her of. I was honoured and we both had a little tear of joy well up in our eyes, that circumstances had made this connection possible! 
The Priesthood of All Believers
by JPfeiffer 2012
So she bought the painting and left! I am going to check out this place down south when I get back from holidays and we'll take it from there. If anyone wants to come with...let me know. They have about 20 rooms where visitors can stay and you just pay what you can afford! It is a buddhist custom called
Dharna or Dana? I'll have to look that up. 

I found this whole encounter interesting especially as I was advised by a spiritual guide, how to stay connected to God and ask for the people to come into my life that will benefit from the knowledge and gifts that I have to offer. She said that I don't need to go chasing after these things or worry about money. If I am in the right space in my mind and body and spirit, connected to God's light or creative energy beaming down through me, then I can trust that these things will happen. Well, I didn't expect them to start happening so quickly and all while sitting quietly in my studio! This has really encouraged me to keep going with my new found way of being, and I'm excited to see what the future holds!

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