I thought I'd mention a book I'm reading at the moment.
Currently, I've gone back to an old favourite, that kind of kicks me up the bum when I'm coming up with lame excuses for not reaching my goals! The reading starts off gentle in the first half, but by the second half, the writer toughens up. It's not a book for wimps or anyone who wants to blame someone else for not getting what they want out of life.
The book is 'I could do anything If Only I Knew What It Was' by Barbara Sher. She also wrote 'Live the Life Life You Love and Stop Just Getting By'
When I first started reading this book back in 2000, it starts with ways of exploring who you really are underneath the facades and fears and looking at the possibility that you could actually know what you would love to do, and maybe even think about planning to do it!
At the time, due to a major depressive illness, I could barely plan my way out of my bedroom to the bathroom, let alone the rest of my life but now I am able to put the time and energy in and I love this highly practical, motivational, honest approach to restructuring one's life so that it has meaning, direction and joy.
I suspect that reading the Bible is supposed to do that too. For me it hasn't. I like to think that many of these self-help books are on the same page as the Bible.They just make more sense to us when they are written by a gifted author who lives in the world today and I can interpret and understood what he/she is talking about. Take the different stages of grief, for example. These stages are not spelled out in the same way in the Bible but there are countless people, including non-Christians that have been supported and encouraged by books written on grief.
Speaking of stages...here is another stage of the Creative Process. The tenth stage which is the last one.
Dr Eric Maisel says...
I’ve made the creative process sound neat and linear and often it is anything but. Often we are stalled on one thing, contemplating another thing, trying to sell a third thing, and so on. Much in our creative life goes on simultaneously and much in our creative life shifts from moment to moment. The confidence needed throughout the process is the quiet, confident belief that you can stay organized, successfully handle all of the thoughts and feelings going on inside of you, get your work done, and so on. This is a juggler’s confidence - it is you announcing, “You bet that I can keep all these balls in the air!”
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