I wrote this post quite some time ago. Today I was deleting half written posts sitting in my drafts, and decided to publish this one, for what it is worth.
I was thinking....
In Australian society we all live under a symbolic umbrella if you like, made up of community laws, government policies and church statements to name a just a few. This umbrella is there as a covering over society for protection and good order. Not everyone agrees with all of these guidelines all of the time. Nevertheless we come under that same umbrella for a season.
In our democratic society, this protective (some may say manipulative and controlling) umbrella allows for a great deal of flexibility and choice under it's cover. Overall we as a community must agree to work with what we have and maybe think about what we will choose as a future umbrella. Most of the time this umbrella does not fit in with what we as individuals want, but it is still there as a guide line, as something to work with or against. Often these umbrella's, ( just like anything else where groups of human beings are involved) have great gaping holes in them and some of us get wet, but generally most of us stay dry.
What I am coming to understand is that these umbrella's are there for the majority of society in general, not for me individually or even minority groups, purely because umbrellas don't work that way. We would end up with thousands of baby umbrellas, still with some holes in, scattered all over the land, all bumping into each other and fighting for individual space and expression and the toughest, most outspoken would trample down the quieter voices that are not sure where they stand on issues and need to see the the more inclusive big picture.
I am not for an autocratic society where a Hitler type rules over all, but I'm aware that we need teams or groups of human beings that can collectively hold up these banners/umbrellas over the people, over the communities, over the state, over country and indeed the world. They are established to make an overall statement about who we are, what we represent, how we function, what we believe. Most of the time we do not agree and may not like what we stand for as a wider group.
For example, a few months back, my local council threw the book of rules and regulations at me in an effort to put me out of my rented private art studio, with threats of $25,000 a day penalty if I did not move out in 10 days time. Where do you go with that? You fight for justice, but I first ask myself is this something I personally want to fight for? Am I equipped to fight this fight? Do I have the money, knowledge, physical energy and back up army to go to war? Can I get my studio back and destroy the man at the top so it doesn't keep happening to others? The thing is, this council, as an umbrella over one of the biggest shires in my state, is functioning quite well for the majority of people. It is a small group of people who have been destroyed by this council and more than likely, there will be more, but overall this council is keeping most people out of the rain. Whats more important for me is to lower my stress levels and start looking for another suitable place to rent. If there are a group of others that have been unfairly put out of their business, then there is that possibility of teaming together under a smaller, private umbrella THAT STILL HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO EXIST UNDER THE LARGE UMBRELLA.

This is where it gets tricky. We need to be careful when we kick and punch against the large umbrella for the sake of the smaller ones incase we end up with no support system at all.
Often I have been confused, especially as church, when the statements and doctrines on divorce, homosexuality, abortion for example have been very different to how I see individuals lovingly and graciously counselled by other individuals, through these traumas. I find myself living out one way in private and another in the life of the church. I want that truth and grace that I see in believing individuals to be part of the churches large umbrella over the people. Simple as that! But it doesn't work that way. In the process of truth and good order for the majority of the Christians, we hurt and injure many innocent individuals. Those who may not be able to defend themselves.
God has provided the love and encouragement that our minority groups need. I have seen it in action. A small protective umbrella has been raised up, and yes, with plenty of holes in it too! It sits rather awkwardly under the larger umbrella. For how much longer, who knows? Until the larger body can change for the good of the people as a whole. With individuals personal stories, education, a willingness to see things from another perspective, bold community leaders and teachers who can speak out for the minority, and whatever else it costs....in the end everything has to change, but for some it is too late.
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