This place is a huge sheep farm where the owners have set up camping facilities in one part. It has a somewhat serene feel about it as the sun sets, or maybe it is me. I just had a wonderful hot shower and have put on clean clothes and I am confident all is least for now.
I was driving for the last part of the road to Hamlin Pool and when I'm driving I like to listen to tapes or podcasts by inspirational speakers, teachers or authors instead of music.So I listened to Brian McLaren reading his book 'A Generous Orthodoxy' I think I listened to it last year, but as is often the case, I gleaned different gems from his book this time because I am in a different place with my faith. I understand now that we often go through changes in our way of seeing and believing and how there is plenty of room to move through all the various interpretations of God and our faith, from the Sunday school stories and picture books to the hidden God and the mystery of God. My spiritual journey has included many different theologies so far with a different emphasis in each.
Oh Jeepers! We are back on the road again heading for Dongara. Just started to do an overview of all the different Christian Groups and denominations that I have been connected to over the years and I started writing a bloody book. I decided to a save it for another post when I am not using one finger on this tiny keypad and bouncing up and down in the car and my finger shoots across to the wrong letters.
Last night was freezing and we didn't sleep well as the wind was gusty and flapped the tent about all night. It was still icy cold this morning and as we were packing up this morning I saw Greg for the first time eyeing up the caravans on the campsite.
Slogan on the back of a caravan says 'Adventure before Dementure!'
Pictures are 'happy hour' in the camp kitchen where there was a log fire burning.... Very toasty!
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