Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Home Again and In a Whirl!

Oh boy! Picking up the pieces from where I left off before the holiday is making me dizzy. I wish I was a cat.
It doesn't help that I am flying out again to Adelaide this Friday for an all day InterPlay Teaching Practicum on Sat 30th June, and then get back to Perth quick smart before the arrival of Gregs cousin, Steve from Adelaide and everything else in between. Do I sound stressed? I am.My body and brain are still in holiday mode. Every 30 mins or so I have to sit down 'cos I feel exhausted! You know, when there is so much to do but you just want to sleep all day long and listen to the rain. Makes you wonder what we do to our poor bodies when we think and move at such a pace, but I suppose we do have to keep up with everything don't we or we'll lag behind, and then what? I'm too tired and unmotivated to think about that question right now. Save it for another rainy day.

On Monday we shopped, packed camping equipment away, washed and vacuumed the car, and checked our emails. Yesterday I did the washing, some cooking and also got acquainted with my studio again by checking out what exhibition commitments lay ahead. I am not yet inspired, just a little overwhelmed, though I did play around with some household paint and ink to see how they react and interact and I like.

Today I'm studying like crazy for the InterPlay Teaching practicum on the weekend. I love InterPlay and I can't wait to be accredited and out there running groups but I am so anxious about getting this right and doing a good job, that it is consuming me at the moment. Maybe that is partly why I feel so tired...but I need to be awake and alive and kicking....
Greg says he is feeling the same way so it must be those damn post holiday blues. Oh well, time will heal. I read somewhere that having an attitude of gratitude or doing something loving for others gets you out of the blues. Sounds like more hard work, I  still just wish I was a cat ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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