Saturday, May 19, 2012

Freedom is Coming

I am finally back home in Perth. On this over five hour trip back from Sydney it became very clear to me that the whole reason I was taken on this long diversion back to Perth was to meet a very ordinary woman sitting next to me on the plane with some extra-ordinary words of light and wisdom that resonated with my light and wisdom. We only spoke in the last hour of the trip, but it was enough to exchange a deep level of knowing and understanding and encouragement for us both.
It began with a deep ache in my heart that I experience after watching the George Clooney movie 'Decendents' while on the flight.

The lady whose name is Tanya, asked what I thought my sadness was connected with? I shared how I thought it might be deeply embedded in my soul connection with my mother, my unsatisfactory understanding of death and spirit, my fears and my balancing 'act' between my faith and the church and my partners high- profile role in the church and my own, often too small voices of truth that keep popping up to direct me, or as in this encounter on my flight an outside voice that connects and calls me home to myself and to God (or my Higher Self) whatever.

Today was just as enlightening. This morning I have been to a course on the Enneagram. It is an ancient Greek philosophy that divides the personalities of the human race into nine types and they are simply recognized by the numbers 1 to 9.

We are currently looking at the nine faces of God and how each of us, (if you believe we are made in the image of God) projects a different side of God's image.

Back to the numbers...I think I am a number 4 and have thought that for about 20 years. I have also always considered my partner to be a 9. But today at the course it was clear as day that he is a 3! This was confirmed by an acquaintance who had known all along but graciously waited till it hit me between the eyes! My husband doesn't know this yet and I doubt wether he will give two hoots but for me, it is critical in explaining so many of the things that I have baffled me about him over the years and now I have some insight and clues that I can work with to understand him better! That is very exciting!

In fact I am quite exhausted from the sheer energy of these snippets of enlightenment, that I've had to find a park, sit on the grass, listen to the birds and slow my beating heart.... Because there is something changing, something shifting for me.

Richard Rohr says "the truth will set you free, but it will first make you miserable"
In parts of my spirit I have been miserable for a very long time, but I am sensing that some more freedom is coming, and I can experience it while I am still living!


  1. Since I still have your book (an absolute Godsend) you know that i'm now going to flick to Type no.3 and see what it's all about. I tested someone last weekend and she's a no.9, another is a no.1 and very similar to that other no.1 you told me about. I keep meaning to write about my type and everything that I've learned but keep hitting delete as it'll turn into a bloody ten paged entry.

    I'm glad that you got diverted to New South Wales. Sounds a lot like you and Tanya tapped into something quite special. Slowly, slowly it'll all reveal itself in His time. You'll understand when you're supposed to...

  2. Bollocks! I meant I'm not i'm. Urgh!

  3. I often tell myself, if I can't speak or write when the 'whoosh' of truth comes my way, then I'll go crazy! Sometimes it is such a strong push and pull of emotions that I feel I'm trying to hold onto all the goodness whilst at the same time dropping big lumps of it. Like a kid who can have all he wants in the lolly shop, but he can only hold so much in his little arms....and I can hear God saying...and there is plenty more but you can not contain it.
