Monday, May 14, 2012

Any Perth WA Volunteers?

      Today is Mothers Day. I would not have remembered, only my son rang me from Sydney. Interesting that at this moment my husband and our two adult children are in completely different states within Australia! My daughter who lives in Adelaide is in Tasmania. My son who lives in Melbourne is in Sydney. I live in Perth and I’m now in Adelaide and my hubby who lives in Perth is actually in Perth!
InterPlay Professional Development and Leader Training is going well here in Adelaide. We are looking at the structure of the class, the nature of the relationship between leader and participant and how to deal with challenging people. It is such a blessing to be able to walk into a room full of experienced players from all over Australia (always only me from Perth though) and pick up where you left off months or even years ago. 
I’m excited to get a core group InterPlayers happening in Perth so that I don’t have to go interstate to be with playmates. I found it very challenging when I first started a  group up at the beginning of the year, when every participant is unfamiliar with the forms and the process.
As some of you know, I am not one for giving up easily on the things I really want to do and InterPlay is one of them. 
So, here is an invitation to anyone living in Perth. I am now looking for two or three special people that are willing to be my helpers. I will teach you the basic tools and forms of an InterPlay beginners class. We would meet fortnightly for these 1 hr sessions.You would then simply take part as a participant in the monthly Perth playgroups that I will lead. This would mean there would always be at least two people in the group that knew what was going on.  You will not be asked to lead yourself, only participate.The fee to participate in a group is normally $15/10 concession, but you can do them for free. I may also ask you to collect the money at the door or set up water and glasses, that sort of thing. 
                                                                                                                                                     If you think this sounds like fun and is something you would like to be a part of, please email me
On Sat August 11th 2012 Rod Pattenden from Sydney is leading an exciting morning workshop called “Performing Our Lives” in St Johns Lutheran Church Hall, Northbridge WA. Rod is one of our very experienced InterPlay Leaders and will lead a fun-filled day for us. For more information or to secure a place at this workshop go to 

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