Not that bad really. Ha Ha!
Well, I've been in two minds, well actually it has felt like about 6 minds about wether or not to keep my blogs going. Now that I have started studying, a large part of the work at the start of this two-year full-time diploma, is based on my personal journey, which means I'm digging around some deep wells and having to reflect and write ....and draw and write some more! So, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting at the computer to write more reflections on my life.
There also seems to be two types of blogs. Those that are personal reflections and these are possibly meaningful to family and other viewers. Then there are those that are meant to be promo for your Business and shouldn't be banging on about yourself so much as being more about what it is your customers need and want. Okay, I wouldn't mind a few more art students to teach and I wouldn't mind selling a lot more paintings on-line and sharing art making tips, but when it all boils down the benefits to me are the process of writing out my thoughts and becoming more aware of where life is taking me, where I am trying to take life sometimes, and all the difficulties inbetween that teach me about spirituality, the body, mental health and relationships.
So that's it.... I have decided to combine my 'InterPlay' blog with my 'Life worth Living 'blog which will also be about my Art Therapy study, which is very interesting I might add. I will keep my Web page janetpfeifferartist.com and my Face Book page. My Visual Art blog will only be about Painting....I think?
They really do all meld into one. Probably need to think about this some more but right now I have run out of time!! The question is what do I want? Mmmmm......